Mòd Nàiseanta Rìoghail
Mod na Cloinne - Part 2
1 hour, 30 minutes
Cathy NicDhòmhnaill a’ toirt thugaibh cuid dhen òigridh leis an do shoirbhich air an dàrna latha de Mhòd na Cloinne ann an Dùn Omhain. Latha mòr airson clann fhileanta bho air feadh na dùthcha. Anns a’ phrògram-sa, chì sibh na farpaisich bhon latha a ghlèidh na bràistean, cuachan is geall-dùbhlain, nam measg an nighean ’s an gille a thog leotha Buinn Airgid a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich.
Cathy MacDonald continues coverage of the Children’s Mod in Dunoon featuring some of the successful performers from the second day of competition.
Tuesday is primarily when the young fluent speakers from across the country compete for the prizes. Most of the winners from today’s competitions who won the gold badges, cups and trophies will be performing in this show, including the young girl and boy who won the prestigious An Comunn Gàidhealach Silver Medals. Show less