Sgeulachdan à saoghal Gudrun, a’ Bhana-phrionnsa Lochlannach. Tha ainmhidhean na coille a’ gluasad a-rithist on a tha an sneachda a’ leaghadh is an geamhradh a’ tighinn gu ceann. Agus nuair a tha fitheach a’ sgèith a-steach gu tìr on a’ chuan, saoil an ann à bàta an Rìgh a dh’fhalbh i? Air bhoil gus am faic i a h-athair a-rithist, tha Gudrun a’ ruith tron choille is a’ coinneachadh ri madadh-allaidh!
The wild adventures of Gudrun the Viking Princess. As the snow melts and the seasons turn, the creatures of the forest are on the move. And when a raven flies in from the sea, it must have been released from the king’s ship. Thrilled at the prospect of seeing her father, Gudrun races through the woods and comes face to face with a wolf! Show less