Live from Clare College, Cambridge. Introit: 0 Quam Suavis (Byrd). Responses: Smith. Psalms: 110, 111 (Lloyd, Smart). First Lesson:
Exodus 16 vv2-15. Office Hymn: Of the Glorious Body Telling (Pange Lingua). Canticles:
Worcester Service (Howells). Second Lesson:
John 6, vv22-35. Anthems: At the Round Earth's Imagined Corners (Parry). 0 Salutaris Hostia (Elgar). Final Hymn: Lord, Enthroned in Heavenly Splendour (St Helen). Organ
Voluntary: Prelude and Fugue in C, BWV545
(Bach). Director of music Christopher Robinson. Organist James McVinnie.