' ... Tongues in trees, books in the running brooks.
Sermons in stones, and good in everything."
Conducted by T. H. MORRISON
SIR FREDERIC COWEN 'S Overture, The Butterflies' Ball, is delicately and daintily orchestrated, with many trills and flutterings on Flutes, light converse of the Woodwind and Strings, and so forth. There are suggestions, too, of the delicious languor of a summer's afternoon.
THE subject of Rimsky-Korsakov's Opera, The Legend of Tsar Saltan , is one in which Russian Composers have always delighted. It resembles in some ways our fairy-tale of Cinderella. The Bumble Bee comes in to punish two wicked sisters, who, after the manner of the pair in Cinderella, are jealous of the third because she has become the Tsar's bride.
RAFF, that very prolific Composer of last century, had no fewer than eleven published Symphonies to his credit, besides another of which the MS. is lost, and a host of other works-well over two hundred in all. Yet of all his output very little is now heard-only a few Piano pieces, notably the one known as La Fileuse (The Spinning Maid), and some String pieces that Chamber Music players enjoy.
His third Symphony bears the title In the Wood, and each of its three Movements has a descriptive heading. The First is entitled In the Day-time, and has the sub-title Impressions and Feelings. The Second Movement, Twilight, consists of a slow Movement and a Scherzo. The slow portion is headed Dreaming, and the Scherzo is a Dance of the Dryads that recalls the fairy dance from Mendelssohn's music to A Midsummer Night's Dream. The Last Movement, entitled At Night, portrays The busy stillness of night in the forest. Arrival and departure of the Wild Hunt, with Frau Holle (Hulda) and Wotan. Daybreak. Hulda the Gracious was once the goddess of marriage, and Wotan is well known to us through Wagner's Ring.