Ⓓ from St. Paul's Cathedral
Purification of the Blessed Virgin
Order of Service
Psalms vi-viii
Lesson, Exodus xiii, 11-16
Magnificat (Harwood in A flat) Lesson, Galatians iv, 1-7
Nunc Dimittis (Harwood in A flat)
Anthem, When to the Temple Mary went (Eccard)
When to the Temple Mary went, and brought the Holy Child,
Him did the aged Simeon see, as it had been revealed.
He took up Jesus in his arms and, blessing
God, he said :
In peace, I now depart, my Saviour having seen.
The Hope of Israel, the Light of men. Help now thy servants, gracious Lord, that we may ever be
As once the faithful Simeon was, rejoicing but in Thee;
And when we must from earth departure take.
May gently fall asleep, and with Thee wake.
(Words from the German by the Rev. J. Troutbeck : reprinted by permission of Novello and Co., Ltd.)
Hymn, Hail to the Lord who comes
(A. and M. 611, vv. 1, 4, and 5)