A new series of programmes in which members of British universities discuss important issues of our time with national and international figures.
In this programme Robin Day introduces Senator Edmund S. Muskie, Senator for Maine and Democratic Vice-Presidential Candidate, to members of the student body, research, and teaching staff of the University of Oxford
From Rhodes House, Oxford
Edmund S. Muskie, to America at large, was an almost unknown democratic senator from the New England state of Maine before Hubert Humphrey named him as his running mate in the recent American Presidential Election.
But during the campaign the fifty-four-year-old senator gained enormous prestige. Humphrey described him as his greatest asset. And Muskie's definition of the main issue as 'whether American people of many different kinds can live together in trust, confidence, and harmony' seemed to offer hope to a fearful nation.
But how can Americans live together in peace? Are the cities governable? What role should America play in the world? These are some of the questions to be discussed tonight with Senator Muskie.