BBC Singers
Conducted by Harold Noble
Charles Spinks (organ)
The Martin String Quartet:
David Martin (violin)
Marjorie Lavers (violin)
Eileen Grainger (viola)
Bernard Richards (cello)
Sun and Moon. for unaccompanied chorus
String Quartet No.4
Psalm 97: The Lord reigns, for chorus and organ
Alexander Grechaninov , who will celebrate his ninetieth birthday next
Monday, was born in Moscow, where he studied the piano with Safonov. At the age of twenty-six he became a pupil of Rimsky-Korsakov at the St. Petersburg Conservatoire. After living in Paris for some years he eventually settled in the U.S.A. His output includes two operas, four symphonies, a large number of songs, much church music, and music for children. H. R.