Catherine Sott and Friends
From St Andrew 's in the Square in Glasgow, Sandy Burnett introduces songs of love, longing and lament from medieval Europe.
Catherine Bott (soprano), Mark Levy and Pavlo Beznosiuk (medieval fiddles)
Las Huelgas ms, Spain, c 1300 FourPlanctus Audefroi le Batard Fine Amours en Esperance Bernart de Ventadom Can Vei la Lauzeta Mover Anon (French 13th century) Estampie Royale Anon (c 1250) Bele Yolanz en Se Chambre Seoit Etienne de Meaux Trop Est Mes Maris Jalos Francesco Landini Questa Fanciulla Amor Anon (Italian 14th century) Istampitta Tre Fontana
Landini Giunta Vaga Bilta; Ecco la Primavera