Here is the first talk in an important new Discussion Group series which is bringing to the microphone Mr. J. W. F. Rowe , Fellow of Pembroke College, and Lecturer in Economics in the University of Cambridge, and Mr. J. Jewkes , Senior Lecturer in Commerce in the Victoria University of Manchester. Between them they will discuss the great industries and markets- coffee, sugar, rubber, tin, cotton, wood, oil, and wheat,
This evening, and again on January 17, Mr. Rowe is to discuss coffee, its sources of production, the influences of the Brazilian crop on the price. He will also give a general description of Brazil, and particularly of the coffee zone ; and discuss generally everything affecting the industry.
Discussion Group leaders will find the whole 'series explained in great detail on pages 43 to 51 of the green pamphlet 'Talks for Discussion Groups, Winter 1934-5', obtainable from the B.B.C. Publications Department, price 2d., post free.