Sonata in A (Op. 101). First and Second
IN The Foundations of Music Series a good many of Beethoven's earlier
Pianoforte Sonatas have now been heard. Those which Mr. Dunn is playing this week come from the Composer's later years, roughly from 1816 to 1822. and. with the last Quartets, which belong to the four years following this latter date. they represent the matured mind of the master at work upon problems of expression in which he attained heights that no musician had before aspired to reach.
We find him. in his search for a deeper. fuller exposition of his thoughts, sometimes adapting and moulding the old forms anew. and even breaking the moulds altogether and creating fresh ones to hold his ever-widening ideas.
The Sonata in A. Op. 101. of which we are to hear the First and Second Movements, is a fine example of this free adaptation of the design to the Composer's new artistic and expressive ends.
The Sonata begins with a sweet and delicately lovely Movement, and goes on to a March, abounding in springing rhythms and declamatory vigour.
The remainder of the Sonata will be played tomorrow evening.