QUEEN ELIZABETH at Caernarvon Castle
This morning His Majesty the King opened the National Library of Wales at Aberystwyth, and the . King and Queen are due to arrive at Caernarvon station at 3.30 p.m. They will reach the Castle at approximately 4.10 p.m. and will enter it by the Water Gate. There will be a ceremonial procession through the Inner and Outer Bailey to the Dais. Their Majesties will hear an address by the Right Hon. D. Lloyd George , Constable of the Castle. There will be a BBC observer at the Queen's 'Gate, who will describe the Castle scene before Their Majesties arrive. Another observer will describe the King's arrival at the Water Gate. As the procession emerges from the Eagle's Tower, an observer on the King's Gate will give a description of the procession and the proceedings at the Dais.
The observers will be E. Morgan
Humphreys, J. C. Griffith Jones, and S. J. de Lotbiniere. The broadcast will include the singing of a Welsh National Air by a massed choir of 800 voices, and will end with the cheering that will greet the King and Queen as, at Queen Eleanor's Gate, they show themselves to their loyal subjects. An article on ' How Wales will greet the King', by the Welsh Regional Director, will be found on page 15.