A High Speed Drama by H. Toplis.
In 5 Acts and 5 Scenes.
[Starring] The 2ZY Dramatic Company
Dramatis Personae.
Act 1. Scene I.
Scene: A Cottage.
Act I. Scene II.
Scene: A School-room, same day.
Act 1. Scene III.
Scene: Outside a Cottage.
Act II. Scene I.
Scene: An Estate Agent's Office, two years later.
Act II. Scene II.
Scene: A Public Street the same day.
Act III. Scene I.
Scene: A Boarding House.
Time: Two years later.
Act IV. Scene I.
Scene: Hotel Columbia, Minnicisti, U.S.A.
Time: Two years later.
Act V. Scene I.
Scene: Huppington School. Prize Day.
Time: Thirty years later.