From the Studio
Conducted by Dr. RUFUS M. JONES,
Hymn, ' 0 God our help in Agos
Past' (A. and M., 165)
Prayers; Bible Reading-I Corin thians, XIII (Moffat's Translation)
Hymn, ' Immortal Love for ever full' (Church Hymnary, 141)
Address, Dr. RUFUS M. JONES, D.D. Hymn, Dear Lord and Father of mankind ' (Church Hymnary, 245)
DR. RUFUS M. JONES is a leading
American Quaker. He is Professor of Philosophy at Haverford College, Pennsylvania, and author of ' Studies in Mystical Religion,' nnd other works. During and after the War he was Chairman of the American Friends Service Cornmittee, which, conjointly with the Friends' War Victims' Relief Committee in this country, was ro sponaible for the Quaker Civilian Relief Work, first in France, Belgium, Serbia, etc., and afterwards in Austria and Germany.
(For 8-45-10.30 Programmes see opposite page.)