Community hymn-singing from Milton Congregational Church, Widnes, Lancashire, led by the combined choirs of the Widnes
Free Churches
Organist, John G. Davies Conductor, Arthur Booth
Hymns introduced by Randal Herley
Blessing by the Rev. Shaun Roche
Stand up and bless the Lord (Tune,
Through all the changing scenes of life (Tune, Wiltshire)
Come down. 0 Love divine (Tune,
Down Ampney)
Onward Christian soldiers (Tune, St.
0 for a heart to praise my God
(Tune, Abridge)
When I survey the wondrous Cross
(Tune, -Rockingham)
Lo. he comes with clouds descending
(Tune, Helmsley)
Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise (Tune. Ellers)