between Miss Rose Macaulay and Mr. L. Du Garde Peach (L. du G. of Punch) on the question 'IS CHIVALRY DEAD?'
In the Chair Col. the Rt. Hon. Josiah Wedgwood, M.P.
Relayed from The Faculty of Arts Gallery
Has chivalry survived the Suffragette movement and the emancipation of women, the shingle and the knee-length skirt, the drive for equal citizenship and the single standard and all the rest of it? It is a most diverting topic, and it is in good hands tonight. Miss Rose Macaulay (the author of 'Told By An Idiot,' 'Dangerous Ages' and Potterism is one of our most brilliant writers and debaters. 'L. du G.' is by now almost as well known to listeners as to readers of Punch. And presiding over the debate is one of the most popular Members of Parliament - the Rt. Hon. Josiah Wedgwood. Listeners will be sure to hear plenty of good talk from these three tonight.