Aspects of Delinquency: introduced by LAURIE TAYLOR , Professor of Sociology, University of York. 9: Spare the Rod and ... ' Arguments about punishment and treatment can easily become metaphysical. Ideas and concepts and theories seem to revolve around each other without ever actually touching the ground. Even with something as concrete as an Act of Parliament, which ties theory and practice tightly together, you find the knot quickly becomes loosened when real delinquents come into contact with real institutions. The dull truth is that the law only works when it is in line with the beliefs of those who have to implement it ..."
In the ninth of ten documentaries LAURIE TAYLOR examines the debate about treatment and punishment for young offenders with film of the Massachusetts Experiment of 1969 when the ' Houses of Correction ' for juveniles were closed down and replaced by treatment in the community.
Book (same title), 85p, from bookshops