From Eton College Chapel, with members of the concurrent Eton Choral Course.
Introit: Confitemini Domino (Palestrina).
Responses: Byrd. Psalm 106 (Ben Parry ). First Reading: Isaiah 63, w7-14. Office Hymn: The Lord, Whom Earth and Sea and Sky (Veni
Redemptor). Magnificat a 8 (G Gabrieli). Second Reading: John 16, w25-33. Nunc Dimittis: Tone III (Victoria). Anthem: Nisi Dominus
(Monteverdi). Final Hymn: Forth in Thy Name,
0 Lord, I Go (Song 34). Organ Voluntary: Meine Seele erhebet den Herren - Fuge uber das Magnificat, BWV733(Bach). Director Ben Parry. Organist Christopher Whitton.