with Andrew McGregor.
7.05 Berlioz Overture:
Le Corsaire
Montreal SO/Charles Dutoit
7.27 Mendelssohn Song without Words in E flat
(Book 3, No 1)
Andras Schiff (piano)
7.32 Zelenka Trio Sonata
Heinz Holliger and Maurice Bourgue (oboes)
Klaus Thunemann (bassoon) Lucio Buccarella (double bass) Christiane Jaccottet
8.05 Milhaud Chamber
Symphony No 1, Op 43 (Printemps)
Capella Cracoviensis/Karl Anton Rickenbacher
8.24 Purcell Hear me, 0 Lord, the Great Support Charles Daniels and Paul
Agnew (tenors)
Michael George (bass)
King's Consort/Robert King
8.42 Shostakovich Piano
Concerto No 2 in F
The Composer (piano) French National Radio
Orchestra/Andre Cluytens Producer Andrew Lyle Discs