Ends 5.35.
Arthur and Muffy are now inseparable and Sue Ellen finds it hard-going being paired with Brain for a school project.
4.10 UBOS
Zarlak plans to create tension between Gus and Cassy and break up the powerful synergy of three.
4.35 Even Stevens
An episode of the American comedy about a well-intentioned, clumsy schoolboy who struggles amid a family of over-achievers. In order to buy a scooter, Louis competes with Twitty to sell chocolate bars, which puts their friendship to the test.
5.00 Blue Peter
The work of fossil hunting pioneer Mary Anning, the new maze at Longleat in Wiltshire and music from Neighbours star Holly Valance, who plays Flick.
(Repeated with sign language tomorrow at 7.45am on BBC2)
Website: [web address removed]
BBC Blue Peter Magazine: £1.85
5.25 Newsround