Relayed from Star Street Congregational Church.
Invocatory Prayer
Hymn, 'The God of Abraham Praise' (Tune: 'Leoni', No. 6, Worship Song)
Lesson, Isaiah, Chapter vi, Verses 1-8
Hymn, 'Holy, Holy, Holy' (Tune: 'Nicea', No. 10, Worship Song)
Lesson, 1 Corinthians, Chapter xiii
Hymn, 'O love divine that stooped to share' (Tune: 'Maryton' No. 81, Worship Song)
Prayer: Lord's Prayer Chanted
Announcements and Offertory
Hymn, 'Dear Lord and Father of Mankind' (Tune: 'Rest' No. 402, Worship Song)
Hymn, 'Lord of all being, throned afar' (Tune 'Ombersley', No. 17, Worship Song)