Rejoice, the Lord is King (A. and M. 202: S.P. 632; C.H. 135. omitting v. 5: Tune, Gopsal)
Interlude: 'The Ascensidn '
Prayers; the Prayer of Praise; the Lord's Prayer
The head that once was crowned with thorns (A. and M. 301: S.P. 175; C.H. 131: Tune. St. Magnus)
From Easter Day onwards, for a period of six weeks, Our Lord visited his disciples at intervals and showed himself alive after his Passion. Then the day came when he visited them for the last time. This is the event that was commemorated last Thursday-the Ascension Day. But before he parted from them he made that great promise, * Lo I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.' Today's interlude helps us to understand a little more clearly what that promise meant.