with Alan Towers and Iris Chapple
Guests you may like to meet and a selection of other items.
2.55* Exercise the Lazy Way
With Joanna Lewis
3.0* Dr David Delvin talks about....
The Coil/Loop
3.15* News Headlines
3.17* Dig This!
Introduced by Donny Macleod. If your garden happens to be a balcony in a city tower block, this is the show for you. Our 'man at the top' Clay Jones. There's Richard Bisgrove with this week's design problem. And the lazy gardener's guide to instant colour - Peter Seabrook reviews bedding plants.
Producer Jeremy Pallant (Birmingham)
3.45* Shopping Basket
A weekly check on food prices
3.50* Delia Smith with cookery hints and ideas
Director Martin L. Bell Producer Janet Hoenig
3.58 What's On/Regional News