Patrick Wright hosts an evening of programmes on the changing face of the British countryside. With live music from June Tabor and her band.
The Two Cultures Debate: Country versus City How great is the divide between the lives and values of those who live in the country and people in the city?
8.00 Rebuilding Jerusalem Patrick Wright explores the reformer's urge to move into the country to remodel society.
8.25 The Echoing Green Jonathan Bate , author of The Songofthe Earth, examines the way writers have reflected and shaped a changing view of the natural world.
9.05 The Countryside and National
Identity A discussion about the changing role of the country in the political and cultural imagination.
9.30 Birdsong a celebration of the soundtrack of country life.
9.45 From Cottages to Cowsheds Jonathan Glancey on the changing architecture of country buildings.
10.00 Pastures New
Once foot and mouth is under control, it will be time to address the future of farming in the UK- if it has one.
Patrick Wright and guests assessthe full extent of the farming crisis and what improvements can be made in rural land use.
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10. 50 Red Sky at Night An elegy for the traditions of shepherds in the Welsh hills. Producers Abigail Appleton , Anthony Denselow , Kirsty Pope