for the Blind from Witham Friary Parish Church, Somerset; conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. H. G. Bawtree -Williams. Preacher, the Rev. Geoffrey Treglown
Processional Hymn: Come, ye thankful people (A. and M. 382)
Introduction by the Vicar
Introit: Lord. for thy tender mercies' sake (Farrant)
Confession; Absolution; the Lord's
Prayer; Versicles and Responses
Psalm 65
First Lesson: Genesis 1, vv. 24-31 Magnificat
Second Lesson: St. Matthew 13. vv.
24-30. 36-43
Nunc dimittis
Creed: Lesser Litany; the Lord's
Prayer; Versicles and Responses; Collects
Anthem: I will lift up mine eyes
(J. Clarke Whitfeld)
Prayers and the Grace
We plough the fields (A. and M. 383) Address
Sometimes a light surprises (M.H.B.
Organist and Choirmaster,
The Rev. H. G. Bawtree-Williams