Leader, Alfred Barker
Conductor, T. H. MORRISON
Overture, The Water Carrier
Cherubim, arr. Winter
Cherubim was born in Florence in 1760, and died in Paris in 1842. In the important development which music underwent in those years, he had himself a large share ; the church and theatre music of France in particular, to which he devoted most of his mature works, owe him more than it would be easy to compute.
In its French form this opera is known as Les Deux Journées (The Two Days), and the story tells how the Water Carrier, who is the hero, within two days extracts his patron from the wrath of the powerful Cardinal Mazarin. In accordance with the tradition of the age, the Overture begins with a slow and rather pompous introduction, and then there is a lively section with two main tunes. Both can be easily recognised as they appear.