sung by Edward Reach (tenor)
There is a lady sweet and kind
Once and no more
'Tis true I never was in love
I did but look and love awhile
I saw thee weep After
Love's Philosophy
Loveliest maiden, jewel rare (Maid Such loveliness Marian)
Fairest of maidens, anan cruel time
Time and Tide Soul's Desire
Had I the voice of Morven
Dawn shall over Lethe break
Colin Macleod Campbell, who is well known as a composer of light and tuneful orchestral suites, some of which are broadcast from time to time, has composed numerous songs. The programme to be heard this afternoon consists of several of Campbell's best songs, such as ' There is a lady sweet and kind' and ' I did but look and love awhile ', which show his keen poetic feeling and simple harmonic and fluent melodic styles. His light romantic opera Maid Marian , the libretto of which is founded on the adventures of Robin Hood , has not yet been heard on the stage, but a special concert version was given at one of Mrs. Ralli's Sunday Concerts at the Hyde Park Hotel last October.
Campbell has written another opera, Thais and Talmaae, an early work in one act which was broadcast in January, 1937, and was first produced by the Royal Carl Rosa Opera Company in Manchester in 1921.