9.38 Maths Today: Year 2: 9: Closer and Closer
Introduced by Stewart Gartside
(Repeated on Thursday and on Wednesday of next week)
10.0 Merry-Go-Round: Drawing without Pencils
Introduced by Kenneth Jameson
(Repeated on Thursday)
10.25-10.45 Middle School Physics: Scientific Models
Introduced by Bryan Chapman
(Repeated on Tuesday and on Friday of next week)
11.0-11.20 Discovering Science: 17: Water as a Solid
Introduced by Michael Underwood
(Repeated on Tuesday)
11.30-11.55 For Sixth Forms: China: The End of the Empire
This programme describes how the western powers established themselves in China in the nineteenth century, and how the Chinese Empire collapsed.
Presented by Brian Hook
(Repeated on Wednesday)
12.5-12.25 Engineering: Craft and Science: Unit 5: Joining Metal: 3: Electric Arc Welding
Introduced by D.R.C. Holmes, C.Eng., A.M.I. Prod. E.
(Shown last week on BBC-2)
(Repeated on Wednesday and on Friday - not Scottish)
For booklet see facing page