live from Salisbury
Cathedral, sung by the Boys and Layclerks of the cathedral choir.
Introit: Thou visitest the earth (Greene); Responses (Lloyd); Psalms 65, 66 and 67 (Walmisley, Garrett,
Elvey, Crotch, Tomkins); First Lesson: Job 38, w 1-11 and 16-18; 42, vv 1-5; Canticles: The Second
Service (Gibbons); Second Lesson: Acts 14, vv 8-18; Anthem: Jehova, quam multi sunt hostes mei
(Purcell); Hymn: Praise the Lord of Heaven
(Cuddesdon); Concluding Anthem: The eyes wait upon thee, 0 Lord (Gibbons).
Organist and Master of the Choristers Richard Seal. Assistant Organist David Halls.