Among this week's items are:
News Comment: by Mark Gibbs
The Churches in Northern and Southern Rhodesia: by the Rev. Cecil Northcott , editorial secretary of the United Society for Christian Literature, who has recently returned from a visit to several African territories
Here Followeth the Anthem: 2 - Terence Lovett, sub-warden of the Royal Academy of Music, continues a series of musical items dealing with neglected anthems: with the choir of St. Bartholomew the Great, Smithfield; at the organ, Paul Steinitz
The 'Tell Scotland' Movement and Kirk Week 1959: The Rev. Colin Day, laity secretary for Kirk Week, and the Rev. Ian Mactaggart, organising secretary of 'Tell Scotland,' discuss the plans for the 1959 Kirk Week and the role of the Week within the 'Tell Scotland' Movement
(The last three items are recorded)