in East Anglia
A wild-life miscellany from the broads and breck, coast and fens of the lowland eastern counties
Edited and introduced by E. A. Ellis from Flatford Mill Field Centre,
ERic DUFFEY, Regional Officer of the Nature Conservancy, on the sand-and-flint heaths of the BrecklandT home of rare plants and animals
LORD CRANBROOK on the curious distribution and changing status of certain mammals-red and grey squirrels, grey seals, and coypu
DicK BAGNALL-OAKELEY on the unusual breeding birds of broad and fen, and the excitements of migration watching on the Norfolk coast
Jim Bingley , the Warden, on the work of naturalists young and old, professional and amateur, at Constable's Flatford Mill. now a Field Centre
Produced by Jeffery Boswall