The Life and Times of Sir Noël Coward
A series in 13 parts
The critical laurels that had been so confidently predicted for me in the 1920s never graced my brow. and I was forced throughout the 30s to console myself with the bitter palliative of commercial success, which I enjoyed very much indeed. (NOËL COWARD) In this programme, his career as a playwright and composer Is traced through the 30s from Words and Music to Conversation Piece.
Part 7: Words and Music Including
Graham Payn. Doris Hare
John Mills , Robert Stephens Joan Sutherland Richard Burton Maidie Andrews and the voices of Lily Pons , Yvonne Prlntemps and Sir Noël Coward
Written and narrated by SHERIDAN MORLEY
Programme associate CHARLES CASTLE
Series consultant FRANK SALTER Producer BARRY KNIGHT
(Doris Hare is in ' No Sex, Please - We're British' at the Strand Theatre, London)