Produced by A. W. Hanson introduces to you some of the interesting people from different parts of the Empire who are in London for Coronation
For the first time ' In Town Tonight', the most consistently popular entertainment that has ever been broadcast -so famous that the name of its organiser, A. W. Hanson , is almost as well known-is to be heard every night of the week with the exception of Wednesday, Coronation day. This evening (Monday), Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday, from 7.40 to 8, and on Saturday, from 7.30 to 8.
Characteristic ' In Town Tonight ' people are to be brought to the microphone-but they will be people from the great towns and backwoods of the Dominions and Colonies, all on a Coronation visit to the home country. Each night, in addition, F. H. Grisewood will find someone or other in the crowd at some different point in London and interview him or her before a portable microphone, wherever they may be.