from St Michael's Parish Church, Linlithgow
Introduced by David Steel
The choirs of St Michael's Church, St Mildred's Episcopal Church, St Ninian's-Craigmailen Church, Callendar Park College of Education, Linlithgow Academy and Linlithgow Primary School.
All people that on earth do dwell (Old 100th)
Come, holy Ghost (Veni Creator)
How sweet the name (St Peter)
Put thou thy trust in God (Ich Halte Treulich Still)
It is a thing most wonderful (Solothurn)
O Saviour, where shall guilty man (Repton)
Eternal Father, strong to save (Melita)
The glory of the spring (King's Langley)
The strife is o'er (Vulpius)
Praise my soul, the King of heaven (Praise My Soul)