The story of a dedicated young man who loved England, painting, and above all music, and who became one of the rock-like foundations on which our present musical good fortune rests: his life as told by himself in his autobiography My Life of Music, by his colleagues and an intimate circle of family and friends
with Isobel Baillie, Sir John Barbirolli, Paul Beard, Sir Adrian Boult, Archie Camden,
Dr Harold Darke, Dora Garland, Leon Goossens, Ida Haendel, Sir Robert Mayer,
Reginald Pound, Stanley Rubinstein, Phyllis Sellick
and Cyril Smith, Avril Wood and Lady Jessie Wood
Extracts from Henry Wood's autobiography read by Sir Ralph Richardson
Commentary read by Alvar Lidell
With The Alexandra Choir
Conducted by Charles Proctor
and with The Rev Richard Tydeman at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre where Henry Wood was christened and buried
The combined choirs and orchestras of the Royal Academy of Music, Royal College of Music, Guildhall School of Music, Trinity College of Music
Conducted by Sir John Barbirolli