Devised by Charles Shadvell and Harry S. Pepper
Elsie and Doris Waters , Dick Henderson , Olive Fox , Clarkson Rose , and other famous artists have promised to appear (engagements permitting) at the Garrison Theatre tonight to entertain the troops
Jack (' Blue-Pencil Warner will be there
The Garrison Theatre Orchestra conducted by Lieut. Charles Shadwell
(late West Yorkshire Regiment)
Produced by Harry S. Pepper
This popular programme, which owes so much of its success to Jack Warner , who has made a name for himself second to none since the outbreak of waf, will be enriched tonight by pre-war stars of the air and the theatre. Clarkson Rose , among the greetest of pantomime dames and proprietor of 'Twinkle' — 'Eastbourne's Public Entertainment No. 1 ' -is a host in himself. All will welcome a broadcast by his gifted wife, Olive Fox. Elsie and Doris Waters , broadcasting for the second time with their brother Jack Warner , invariably bring down the house.
And don't let us forget the clever little actress, Charles Shadwell 's daughter, who sells programmes, chocolates, cigarettes. Joan Winters supplies most of her own wisecracks. At the age of four, she used to turn cartwheels in her parents' dressing-room, a trick taught her by the chorus girls.