in " Nettles."
A Rural Scotch Comedy by John M. Smith.
Characters :
Tibby (Daughter of George Hen derson, married to John Forsythe) ..RIKA HENDERSON
Sir Eric Barclay-Browne , Bart.
(The Laird) .. G. R. HARVEY
First Mind Picture : The Parlour in Farmhouse of Dunnaird, a large Farm on the estate of Sir Eric Barclay-Browne , Bart. The Farmer, Mr. George Henderson (Auld Geordie) and his Wife are engaged in conversation with Mr. D. Crombie-Crabbe, Factor on Sir Eric's estate. Mr. Henderson is in shirt sleeves as if just come in from some outdoor occupation. " Geordie," a canny-goer, while content to leave business matters largely in his wife's hands, is by reason of his imperturbable good nature saved from any danger of becoming subservient. Mrs. Henderson and Mr. Crabbe are engaged in conversation, while Geordie is scanning a newspaper and smoking a wooden pipe.
Second Mind Picture : John and Tibby's cottage at Little Dunnaird. John Forsythe is a handsome fellow, aged 30. He is just in after his day's work, and is musing and smoking in an armchair by the fire. Tibby, seated opposite, is engaged in some needlework.
Third Mind Picture : Interior of Estate Office in Langburgh. The Factor is seen seated at desk. The room is furnished in usual office style. The Factor rises and paces the room uneasily, glancing at his watch. A tap is heard at door on left.
The action of the play takes place in North-Eastern Scotland.
Time : The Present.
The Factor speaks.