Community hymn-singing from Siloh Welsh Presbyterian Church, Aberystwyth
Organist, Charles Clements
Hymns introduced by the Rev. Glyn Parry-Jones
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven
(Tune, Regent Square)
All creatures of our God and King
(Tune, Lasst una erfreuen)
For all the saints (Tune, Sine
Bin Tad , ni ganwn am y cariad rhad
(Tune, Braint)
All hall the power of Jesu's name
(Tune. Miles Lane)
Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem
(Tune, Neander)
Dacw'r ardal, dacw'r bafan (Tune,
Praise the Lord, ye heavens adore him (Tune. Austrian Hymn)
Closing prayer and blessing by the Minister, the Rev. H. Wynne Griffith