Live from the Royal Albert Hall , London.
Sandy Burnett presents a delightfully mixed programme, featuring the outstanding
Czech mezzo Magdalena Kozena.
Magdalena Kozena (mezzo), Marcel Javorcek (piano), lean Hoznedr(timpani), Prague Philharmonia, conductor Jiri Belohlavek
Vejvanovsky Sonata Vespertina a 8 Myslivecek Che Non Mi Disse un Di! (L 'Olimpiade)
Mozart Vado , Ma Dove ?, K583; Alma Grande eNobilCore,K578
Martinu Double Concerto
8.20 Twenty Minutes: Prague 1934
A new short story by the novelist Elena Lappin , set in the capital of Czechoslovakia when it was an enlightened and youthful democracy - a few years before its occupation by Germany.
8.40 Novak Melancholic Songs of Love
Mozart Symphony No 38 in D, K504 (Prague) Repeated on Friday at 2pm
This concert is televised on BBC4 at 7.30pm