1.55 Listening Corner This week: Let's Go to the Park Presented by HEDLI NIKLAUS and BILL TORRANCE Storyteller UNA STUBBS Today's story: Tilly Mint Tales - Tilly Mint and the Leaf-Lords by BERLIE DOHERTY Script written and produced by MARY KALEMKERLAN. Stereo
2.05 Playtime World of White Presented by TONY AITKEN and JULIE FIRST . Stereo (e)
2.20 Science Scope Staying Afloat With FRED HARRIS , JULIE RICHMOND and CLIFFORD NORGATE Stereo (R) (e)
2.40 Whirligig Stories with music Peter and the Wolf with JUDI DENCH and the BBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA led by MARTIN LOVEDAY conducted by BARRY WORDSWORTH Words and music by SERGE PROKOFIEV . Stereo (e)