An Evening Service in praise of music, live from
Birmingham, this year's UK City of Music. The
Anglican and Roman
Catholic cathedrals join forces for a celebration in St
Philip's Anglican Cathedral. 0 Praise ye the Lord!
(Parry); 0 quam gloriosum (Victoria); Psalm 80/81:
Ring out your joy (Gelineau); Magnificat: Collegium
Regale (Howells); Angel-voices ever singing (Monk); Hymn to St Cecilia
(Howells); 0 what their joy (Harris); When in our music God is glorified (Stanford); Voluntary: Ricercar Sul settimo tono (A Gabrieli). Choristers of St Chad's
Cathedral director David Saint
Choir of St Philip's Cathedral director Marcus Huxley Organist Rosemary Field