NEARLY everybody who goes on holiday nowadays takes a camera, in the pleasurable expectation of obtaining a graphic record of the place he goes to, the people ho meets there and the things they all do. Modern cameras are extremely easy to use ; and yet the holiday snapshot album is only too often, for all but its possessor, a weariness of the flesh. ' That's that lovely French girl who had a cottage there--look, you can just see her behind the newspaper.' ' This is the view from my window-the mountains are over here, but they don't come out very well in this print.' 'Here's the quaint little church—pity I couldn't get the spire in ! ' We all experience that sort of thing, and the holiday mapshot whose merits are not purely intrinsic is rare. Mr. Edgar Ward is himself one of the most distinguished of landscape photographers, and in this talk he will give some advice on how to take holiday pictures that will be something better than mere souvenirs Next week he v.ill turn his attention to the motorist who wants to obtain a worthy record of the country thit he passes through, and in the remaining two talks of his series he will deal with . Developmer and Printing' and ' Question Times.'