Theme: ' We believe in God':
2-Who hears us
Order of Service
Metrical psalm lxv, Praise waits for thee in Sion, Lord (w. 1-4) (Tune, St. Stephen)
Paraphrase Ixi: Bless'd be the everlasting God (Tune, Bishopthorpe)
Reading: St. Luke xi, 5-13 Prayers of Intercession
Hymn: Lord, it belongs not to my care (Tune, St. Hugh) (Rv. C.H. 549 ; A. and M. 535 ; S.P. 105)
Address by the Rev. J. S. Stewart ,
D.D., North Momingside Church of Scotland, Edinburgh
Hymn: Approach, my soul, the mercy-seat (Rv. C. H. 451 ; A. and M. 626)