Relayed from
Fisherwick Church, Belfast
Order of Service
Scripture Reading Doxology, Sun of my Soul (Rv. C. H.,
292, v. I, first Tune)
Metrical Psalm 130 (Tune 81, Lord from the Depths)
Scripture Reading Prayer
Hymn, Rejoice the Lord is King
(Rv. C. H. 155, first Tune)
Solo, Up, up, my heart with gladness
Anthem, For Thy loving kindness is better than life itself (Purcell)
Prayer and Lord's Prayer
Paraphrase, Behold the mountain of the Lord (Rv. C. H., 18, Tune 66)
Address by the Rev. M. A. THOMPSON , of Mountpottinger Presbyterian Church, Belfast Hvmn, Guide me, 0 Thou great
'Jehovah (Rv. C. H., 564, first Tune)
(Organist, T. S. FORSTER )