recalls thirty-five years of political power in conversation with Kenneth Harris
You must be dedicated to politics, otherwise I think you're going to lind it a very Tough job
I think the Prime Minister has to be a butcher and know the joints
If you're not made Pope in the Roman f'atholir Church, you could be a perfectly good Cardinal
Lord Butler of Saffron Walden, c.H. — popularly known as Rab-served seven Prime Ministers. from Ram-say MacDonald to Sir Alec Doug las-Home. He is now Master of Trinity College, Cambridge, where this conversation was recorded in his study in the Master's Lodge earlier this year.
A recording of the programme shown on BBC-1 on July 26
Produced for television by MARGARET DOUGLAS
The full text is printed In The Listener ' dated July 28. Copies can be obtained from BBC Publications. P.O. Box 123. London. W.I. price Is. 5d.