Community hymn-singing from
H.M.S. Hermes in Singapore CAPTAIN T. T. Lewin, M.V.O., D.S.C., R.N.
Introduced by the Chaplain, THE Rev. Arthur NUNNERLEY
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven (tune. Praise, my soul)
Thou, whose almighty word (tune,
:he Kin., of love my Shepherd is
(tune, Dominus resit me)
Dear Lord and Father of mankind
(tune. Repton)
Our blest Redeemer, ere he breathed (tune, St. Cuthbert)
He who would valiant be (tune.
Monks Gate)
Onward, Christian soldiers (tune,
St. Gertrude)
The dav thou gavest. Lord, is ended (tune. St. Clement)
Blessing given by the Chaplain THE ROYAL MARINE BAND OF H.M.S. Hermes
Bandmaster, K. N. SHARPE
Choirmaster. LT. PETER Ridley