(Series 2) from All Souls' Church, Langham Place, London
Celebrant THE REV CANON COLIN SEMPER , Head of Religious Programmes, Radio, assisted by other members of the Department
Preacher FR j. SKELLY, Head of Religious
Programmes, Northern Ireland
Old Testament Lesson: Daniel 7, vv 13-14 (rsv) For the Epistle: Acts 1, vv 1-11 (rsv)
Gospel: Luke 24, vy 44-53 (RSV)
Hymns: (Anglican Hymn Book): Hail the day that sees him rise (203); Jesus, our hope, our heart's desire (200);
Look, ye saints, the sight is glorious! (206) Psalm: 24, vv 7-10
Anthem: Psallite Domino (BYRD). The service sung to Jackson in G BBC SINGERS directed by JOHN POOLE