Suggest an edit21:30Saturday-Night Theatre Constance Cummings with Frank . Cellier and Roland Culver in' 'HEROES DON'T CARE'BBC Home Service Sat 9th Sep 1944, 21:30 on BBC Home Service BasicView in Radio TimesPlay by Margot Neville , adapted for broadcasting by Muriel Pratt , and produced by Val GielgudContributorsPlay By:Margot NevilleBroadcasting By:Muriel PrattProduced By:Val GielgudTrondsen:Alexander SarnerGeorge Morris:Henry LonghurstSir Edward Pakenham:Frank CellierLady Pakenham:Constance CummingsDr Mcllwaine:Duncan McLntyreTom Gregory:Roland CulverLeonard Woods:Gerald CaseConnie Crawford:Grizelda Hervey Source: Radio Times Suggest an edit