A religious service from the studio
Order of Service
Hymn, Lord of our life and God of our salvation (S.P. 349. A. and M. 214)
Pjalm xci
Hymn, Immortal, invisible, God only wise (S.P. 535)
Address by the Rt. Rev. The Bishop of Blackburn
It was to Dr. Herbert that Gracie Fields paid such a remarkable tribute when she broadcast on July 30 after her long and serious illness. That night, she told listeners how, at the critical moment when her life seemed to be slipping from her, the Bishop of Blackburn visited her in the nursing home and prayed at her bedside. From that moment onwards, she gathered strength.
Dr. Herbert, well known in the North of England, particularly in Lancashire, became Bishop of Blackburn in 1926. He has always been prominently associated with the Blackpool Sands Mission.