Introduced by Steve Rider.
12.25 Athletics Focus
Roger Black is in Bremen, Germany with the latest news from the British camp ahead of today's athletics action in the European Cup.
1.00 Touring Cars Action from Mondello Park for rounds nine and ten of the British Touring Car championship. With the season not yet at the half-way stage, there's still plenty of opportunity for drivers to make their mark. There's also highlights from Cyprus for the sixth of this year's World Rally championships.
Commentary by Charlie Cox and John Watson.
1.50, 2.25, 2.55, 3.25 Racing From Ascot. Claire Balding introduces starts from the Berkshire race course at 2.00,
2.30,3.00 and 3.30.
Commentary from Jim McGrath and Willie Carson.
2.10, 2.40, 3 40, 3.40 Athletics Live coverage from Bremen for the first day of this year's
European Cup action. British hopes lay with 100m Olympic finalist Dwain Chambers and 400m Olympic bronze medallist Katharine Merry. Stuart Storey , Steve Cram ,
Paul Dickenson , Sally Gunnell and John Regis commentate. Athletics television presentation
Martin Webster ; Editor Michael Cole