For the Feast of St Teresa of Avila. Live from the London Oratory. Organ Prelude: Praeludium Quintum (Fischer). Deus in Adjutorium Meum (Padilla). Antiphons and Psalms: 110, 113, 122, 127, 148 (Victoria, plainsong). Hymn: Regis Superni Nuntia
(plainsong). Antiphon: Veni Sponsa Christi (plainsong). Canticle: Magnificat septimi toni (Victoria). Antiphon of Our Lady: Salve Regina a 6 (Victoria). Organ Voluntary:
Toccata V (Muffat). Celebrant the Very Rev Ignatius Harrison. Director of music
Patrick Russill. Organist John McGreal.